Success Stories
Letting Kids Be Kids
Boys Town provides a safe place for children who have been abandoned and often abused. We integrate them into a family, teach them social skills and help them catch up with their education. But we also encourage them to be kids and to participate in kid activities like sports, choir, ROTC and band. Watch the video below to see how this helps them heal.
Boys Town is where children grow in body, mind and spirit. And every donation, every prayer, every action creates the second chances our kids and families deserve.
Jeff: Half the time what we're trying to get these kids to do is stop engaging in adult behaviors and behave like children. We want to give them their childhood back and that's really what we are trying to do a lot of times at Boys Town is, you know, we want these kids to have the opportunity to be in the school play, play on the football team. I had a kid just the other day, he won an award for playing the tuba. I can guarantee you before he got to Boys Town he wasn't gonna win an award for playing the tuba, he wasn't even going to play the tuba. Those are wins for us because that kid had a normalize environment here, got a chance to experience some of the things that most of the rest of the country got to experience as kids.