Compassionate Hearts Make it Possible for Us to Keep Helping At-Risk Youth and Families.

Easter is a time to remember that we live by the overflow of grace and faith. The light of the Spirit is what keeps our minds, souls and spirits filled with hope and able to successfully walk through difficult times. Easter is when we appreciate and recognize the numerous ways we have been blessed, and it is an opportunity for us to be beacons of hope to those who need to rekindle their belief and faith that better things are on the horizon.

I would like you to meet Karly Little, Ronan's mother. Ronan is an energetic young boy who loves playing with tiny chicks and riding his scooter. He is on the autism spectrum and is nonverbal. Below is a video of Karly sharing how your support of Boys Town's In-Home Family Program has helped her family move forward to a brighter future.

Even children who don’t have a voice to advocate for themselves deserve the chance to live in a home built on well-grounded principles that will propel their success forward.

When you donate to Boys Town South Florida, you are giving…

  • A kindergartener the courage to speak after being silent in the classroom for months. 
  • A chance for a family to achieve stability after being evicted from their home. 
  • Strength to a mother to continue her adoption process for her future son. 
  • Resources to a family struggling with their youth due to behavioral and mental health challenges.
  • A positive school routine for an 8-year-old boy with ADHD so he can have a successful learning experience.  
  • At-risk students the chance to get the support they need to engage in learning.