Terrance smiling in front of a tree

From Struggles to Success: Terrance’s Journey at Boys Town North Florida

Development Director Mary Rose McCarron and Development Coordinator Ryleigh Egros recently sat down with Terrance, a soon-to-be graduate of Boys Town North Florida. Terrance was happy to share his story of progress, growth and hope for the future.

It thrilled Mary Rose and Ryleigh when Terrance responded what Boys Town meant to him…

“This is Family!”

In 2022, Terrance entered Boys Town North Florida’s Family Home Program at the age of 15. At the time, he was a sophomore at Godby High School, but he struggled to consistently attend classes. He faced multiple suspensions, failing grades and delinquent behaviors. By the time December break arrived, Terrance said he couldn’t see any purpose in continuing high school. He was ready to drop out or be kicked out, with little hope of ever graduating.

Just when Terrance was prepared to give up on earning a diploma, he said the Boys Town Model began to transform him. He started receiving positive feedback and began to see the value in changing his behavior. Terrance mentioned he appreciated the support of his therapist at Boys Town and felt more comfortable opening up.

Family-Teacher, Mr. Longley, began talking to Terrance about the importance of being a role model for his peers. Terrance recalled how Mr. Longley taught him true friends respect boundaries and don’t encourage negative behavior. He stopped spending time with bad influences and realized he enjoyed being a leader. As a result, he gained independence, began making progress and even grew close to a fellow Boys Town peer who helped him see how he could continue to work on his education. This peer introduced Terrance to the GED program, which appealed to him due to its smaller class sizes and more personalized pace of learning.

Today, Terrance is on track to complete his courses and take his GED exam in May. In addition to working toward his GED, Terrance is enrolled in the Barbering program at Lively Technical College. He shared that barbering provides a positive outlet for his creativity, noting how people can express themselves through their hair. He also enjoys the opportunity to interact with clients, knowing he can make a difference in their lives. One thing he’s particularly excited about is the chance to visit local elementary schools in Tallahassee and offer haircuts to students.

When asked about his future plans, Terrance said he’s eager to continue working hard and becoming an entrepreneur. He hopes to use his creativity as a licensed barber, securing a job that will allow him to continue his passion while forming meaningful relationships with others. Additionally, he expressed his excitement about attending culinary school to further expand his creative and entrepreneurial goals.

Most of all, Terrance is proud of his accomplishments. He recognizes his growth and is encouraged about his bright future.