Spotlight On: Family and Community Services

Part I:

It's every parent's worst fear: not being or having enough for their child. When struggles with employment, housing, relationship instabilities or mental and physical health issues affect a parent's ability to provide a safe and supportive home for their child, it can lead to intervention from outside organizations. Our Family and Community Services help struggling families stay together and/or help families safely and successfully reunite if children have been removed from the home.

Our Care Coordination Team helps families identify and access needed supports and resources, navigate care systems to keep children safe and improve home stability. Consultants assist with developing and improving parenting skills while also teaching parents to advocate for themselves.

Boys Town In-Home Family Services® have trained Family Consultants who help families in their own homes. The Family Consultants empower parents by teaching them new parenting skills and by providing emotional support 24/7.

Part II:

Our Family and Community Services team is led by Kaitlyn and Jen. In 2017, Kaitlyn began working at Boys Town after completing her Master's degree in Barcelona, Spain, and conducting post-thesis research in Lebanon. Jen has been with Boys Town since 2008; prior to that, she was in a leadership position at an early childhood facility.

One of the fun things we like to ask our employees is “Why Boys Town? Why do you show up every day for your families?" Our Family and Community Services team member's answers are incredibly inspiring and truly exemplify our staff as a whole. Our employees are the perfect mix of passion and compassion with a good dash of determination and hard work sprinkled in. Here's some of their responses:

Kaitlyn: “I show up every day and give 100% because I have seen the change that is possible when you teach families positive skills, link them to the right resources and advocate for them along the way. There is no better feeling than seeing your families happy and healthy."

Jen: “We get to support families, see them evolve and learn and ultimately reunify. This is why I chose to be in this line of work; everyone deserves a chance in life."

Sharae: “I believe every family falls on hard times and deserves to be saved. I enjoy being that positive spark that helps families reunite."

Alcida: “Boys Town is changing families' lives for the better on a daily basis. I want to be a part of this mission."

Brittany: “It is the task of the enlightened not only to ascend to learning and to see the good, but to be willing to descend again to those prisoners and to share their troubles and their honors, whether they are worth having or not." – Plato, “The Allegory of the Cave"

Anastasia: “I believe in providing genuine support and resources for families. I wanted to work somewhere that has a concrete, positive impact on the community – and Boys Town fights for that."

Charles: “We offer hope to our families that they can live beyond their current situation. Watching a person transcend their circumstances is exhilarating and inspiring!"

Melissa: “I have a passion for helping others in times of hardship! I want to help empower our clients to be confident, courageous and strong for themselves and their families."