In June 2024, a child arrived at Boys Town’s Bazarsky Campus—a place that would become the cornerstone of their transformation. This child struggled with deep dysregulation, unable to express emotions in a healthy way. For years, anger and frustration had built up, often spilling over into violent outbursts—sometimes directed at the adults trying to help and other times toward the children around them.
The previous year, they had fallen far behind in schoolwork. They lashed out as they tried to navigate a world that felt so disconnected from the one they had known.
When school started in September, there were days they felt motivated—eager to participate and try their best. Other times, they withdrew, refusing to get out of bed.
But despite the anger, frustration and resistance, something started to shift in small, quiet ways. Their Family-Teachers [MS1] never gave up, nor did their counselors at Boys Town. Day after day, they worked together, helping this child build new coping strategies. Slowly but surely, people noticed the changes. Their behavior improved, and they showed greater signs of maturity and responsibility.
The transformation wasn’t immediate, but it was real. Over time, they began to trust those around them—particularly their Family-Teachers, with whom they developed a close, supportive relationship. They took ownership of their actions, recognizing the power of their choices and the responsibility that came with them. As their emotional regulation improved, they became a leader among the other kids in their Family Home.
In the classroom, they engaged more. They took pride in their schoolwork, determined to overcome the academic setbacks that had once weighed them down.
Perhaps the most remarkable change came in their relationship with their biological mother. With the guidance of their Family-Teachers and the skills they developed at Boys Town, they began to open up, allowing for connections in ways they never had before. Meetings with their mother, once a source of tension, became something they anticipated with hope.
Now, as this child prepares to leave Boys Town, their transformation is nothing short of extraordinary. Their future is no longer clouded by anger and hopelessness but filled with new possibilities.
This child’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, healing and love—made possible by Boys Town and the incredible people dedicated to helping youth heal and find a better way forward.
*Names have been omitted to protect privacy.