Jessica, IHFS Supervisor, Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight Jessica

Meet Jessica, one of our Iowa In-Home Family Services Supervisors. Jessica celebrated her 10-year anniversary with Boys Town in July. Throughout her tenure, Jessica has shown her commitment to the Boys Town mission. She is a wise leader and is steadfast in the work she puts in to develop her team to provide the highest quality of services to kids and families.

Some fun facts about Jessica:

1)      I love spending time with my dog, Archie

2)      I will never turn down a Star Wars marathon

3)      I’m getting married in October 2024

Jessica says what she enjoys most about working with Boys Town is, “the trusting and supportive relationships that I’ve grown with my co-workers who have easily become great friends. The ups and downs of social work is only made easier when you have great people to work with who you can depend on. I’ve never worked for an agency where I was able to find such a supportive group of people who are always there for me and who I can be there for as well.”