I felt that a change in environment of neglect to one where true principles of character are inculcated, an environment were real interest and love for the child is apparent, would produce good results. – Fr. Flanagan
Before school starts, I gather with a few of our Middle School teachers and a handful of Middle School students to pray and to spend some time learning about faith and virtues. It is one of my favorite times, the kids voluntarily come in tired and half asleep but after a little bit of sugar and a few games they are awake and ready to go. We choose to meet in the media center at school because the sun comes up right behind us as we begin our meeting. It creates a beautiful environment. But what makes the morning so special is hearing the kids talk about faith and challenges with each other. We end every meeting with a plan and a challenge for them to encourage and help each other so that they can help create a better environment in their homes and in their school.
Fr. Flanagan knew the importance of a good, safe, beautiful, and faith-filled environment. He also knew that it needed to be intentionally created. We shape our environment by the things we choose to fill our lives and our space with. We can fill our environments with anger, complaints, gossip, and all sorts of negativity and darkness. Or we can choose joy, forgiveness, love, and every good thing God has placed under the sun. The physical environment of Boys Town was designed to be beautiful, but it has always been the people who shaped what kind of environment we would have. The youth, those who call in to our hotline, those children who find new homes through foster care, the groups that seek training and support from Boys Town, or anyone that meets us can know what Fr. Flanagan and Boys Town are all about by the way they experience the environment that we create in our own lives.
Fr. Jeff