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Boys Town Logo

Father Flanagan famously said,

"It costs so little to teach a child to love, and so much to teach him to hate.”

And we know it’s true because we see it every day.

A Child Placed in Multiple Foster Homes Finds His True Home at Boys Town

In his early years, Jafar's life was filled with inconsistency. But once he found himself at Boys Town, Jafar discovered the security, love and consistency he'd always needed. He also found the family and happiness he'd never had. Hear what Boys Town means to him in his own words in the video below.

​​In Jafar's words, “If I hadn't come to Boys Town, I'd either still be in foster care or dead. Boys Town is my true home."​

Watch Jafar's Touching Story

Your Gift Makes an Impact

At Boys Town, we love helping youth get a second chance in life. We believe that our residential care treatment model is a testament to what Father Flanagan had in mind for these abandoned youths. But we must admit, stunning numbers like those listed below make us proud of the benefit we provide society. It’s the ultimate Win/Win, the kids win, and society wins too.

The impact your gift makes on the lives of these forgotten children AND the society they become a part of is crucial.