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Dowd ChapelDowd Chapel

Mary Dowd Society

We Invite you to join our Mary Dowd Society to preserve and restore Dowd Chapel. While all donations are gratefully welcomed, memberships begin at $100. Join Today!

Preserve a Landmark Legacy of Hope and Healing

For more than 75 years, the iconic Dowd Memorial Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Boys Town has served as a sanctuary of hope and healing, thanks to a generous donation from a single donor, Mary Dowd. The Mary Dowd Society was established to honor Mary and her wish to preserve the chapel for generations to come.

Today, Dowd Chapel is showing its age and your support will help to restore and upkeep our beloved chapel. In addition to preserving Dowd Chapel, your membership will support Catholic education for our boys and girls.

Dowd Chapel

Mary Dowd and Her Lasting Gift to Boys Town

Mary Dowd was an Irish Catholic woman from a prominent New York family. She was inspired to visit Father Flanagan’s Home for Boys after seeing the 1938 Oscar® award-winning film, Boys Town. During her visit, she asked Father Flanagan what she could do to support Boys Town and wrote a check for $200,000 (equivalent to nearly $5 million today) to build the much-needed chapel. Mary’s only request was that the chapel, which was dedicated in 1941, be named in honor of her family.

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We invite you to join our Mary Dowd Society, an exceptional group of Boys Town supporters who are on a mission to ensure the ongoing upkeep and beautification of our beloved house of worship. Please consider joining by giving an annual gift at one of these levels.

$100 - St. Joseph
ST. Joseph stained glass

St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, was known for his compassion and caring. Father Flanagan always believed that every child should have a positive father figure in their lives.

What you get: Added to monthly mailing list, name listed in Dowd bulletin (one time upon joining) & Membership Certificate

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$500 - Nellie Flanagan
Nellie and Edward Flanagan

Nellie, Father Flanagan’s beloved older sister, devoted her life to helping Father and their siblings. Often referred to as the "Angel of Boys Town," Nellie served as a loving, motherly figure to the children.

What you get: Same as above + custom stained-glass window print & Finding Happiness Irish Prayer book

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$1,000 - St. Patrick
St. Patrick stained glass

After spending his youth as a slave working as a shepherd, St. Patrick became a devote Christian and priest and is credited with converting Ireland to Christianity. Father Flanagan considered him a role model in enlightened care for children.

What you get: Same as above + name recognition on Hall of History donor screen

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$2,500 - St. John Bosco
St. John Bosco stained glass

St. John Bosco dedicated his life to caring for and educating poor and homeless youth, helping them to find lodging, develop their faith and avoid getting into trouble. Like Father Flanagan, he believed that all children must know they are loved.

What you get: Same as above + exclusive invites to in-person events and gatherings

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$5,000 - The Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception
Virgin Mary stained glass

Father Flanagan had a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom he had prayed to save him when he was quite ill. He selected her to be the patroness of Boys Town and prayed the consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary daily with Boys Town youth.

What you get: Same as above + replica of stained-glass window.

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Dowd Chapel

Become Part of Boys Town’s Legacy of Hope and Healing

No gift is too big or too small.